
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Five for Friday....Saturday.....October 4, 2014

Wow! I haven't been here for awhile, I want to share 5 on Doodle Bugs Teaching.

I want to show you the wonderful clip activity cards that Doodle Bugs has for sell at her TpT store.
You can find them here.

These are from her fall pack. I don't have a color printer available at the moment, so we copied them onto color paper, glued them onto poster board and laminated. It is a miracle the copy machine and the laminator were both working at the same time! That's the kind of year it's been so far. Anyway! I have a plastic cauldron from Halloween and it worked well to display and hold everything. The kids love it! As they entered the room they noticed it and asked "what's that?"

We are having a lovely fall this year, it is actually lasting longer then 3 days. One of our  favorite fall books is Lois Ehlert's Leaf Man. The students walked around outside picking up different leaves, I noticed they also got into the garden and picked some purple cabbage!

 I also noticed that they choose a lot of green stuff instead of the yellow and orange!


I attended two days of training this week.  We are doing more and more direct instruction at our school for interventions. It definitely works! I have been using the programs without training, but the class really helped to pull it altogether.

Here are the basics:
Give the placement tests first.
Follow the program with fidelity.
Teach to MASTERY.


Meanwhile, back at the cabin
 (does anyone know that book Meanwhile back at the ranch by Trinka Hakes Noble ..hilarious!)

we are still unpacking boxes and arguing about what my husband should build so we can unpack boxes!
He made us a neat table for the microwave and coffee maker.


Shake Shake Shake!
We had ourselves a little earthquake last week but since I didn't do the five last week I decided to share it now!
We were sitting in our classroom (bottom floor) and felt the first shake,  one of the other teachers said "hey, did you feel that?" and about that time a stronger one happened and it was looonnng! and this Okie girl said, "let's get under the tables", the students were calm and cool, they just crawled under the table and sat quiet. My legs were like jello for an hour afterwards, freaky! 

And that's my five!
Have a great week,
