
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Five for!

Doodle Bugs is a wonderful blog that shares many great ideas for teachers, each week we are given the opportunity to link up with her and share our week. It doesn't have to be just about teaching, it can be anything that is going on that you would like to share. I enjoy visiting other bloggers and seeing what they share about their lives in and out of the classroom.
Please join us if you haven't tried this, we all need to connect.
This week we were on a deadline for turning in grades, IEP progress reports and preparing for testing next week.
We still had time for some fun with our spelling words.

We numbered the eggs and told students the word to spell after they picked their egg. They thought it was great fun and requested repeating it.

We are focusing on improving listening comprehension.
It is a real challenge for my students with language delays. Just understanding the question can be so hard. I am incorporating our writing assignments into it.
I chose books they like and get excited about.
It is going pretty well! 
 What a difference a week makes!
Last week we were knee deep in snow and this week it's raining, and we are cleaning off the deck.
The cold is not gone yet...but it's on the way out...
I love these things!
They don't really go well with the Weight Watchers program, however, 12 of them counts as 3 points and it's
I am looking forward to seeing my grand kids tomorrow, they are coming to our house to hunt eggs and eat hamburgers! I was motivated to do some house cleaning and managed to hit the 10,000 step mark on my FitBit!
I haven't done that since I had my little "intracranial bleed".
and my house is pretty clean...feels good!
Have a good week.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Five for Friday.....March 18, 2016

Spring break is already coming to a close.  It went too fast!
I did some homework this week for school, but overall
my week was a vacation.

Now it is time to join Doodle Bugs Teaching for a party!

I sorted some boxes out, found some old stuff. Some of it I was so happy to see again and some of it...well I wondered why I had kept it all these years! If I was a quilter some of these tee shirts would make  fine ones for each one of my children. Maybe I should take the summer off and learn how to quilt!
 This little guy belonged to my oldest child and was passed down to the next two. My youngest is the most sentimental about him and she took him for

.......a few shirts from different parts of life.....a long gone school....a concert...a trip to the fair
According to cartoonist Chad Carpenter Monday was
"Wear a hat made of pancakes day"
I didn't.
But it is fun to see what will show up on his calendars!
We had snow for Spring Break and visitors.
They blend in so well!
St. Patrick's Day!
Excellent day of grandchildren, Irish Coffee and Darby O'Gill and the Little People. I love that movie. Sean Connery was so young and very handsome of course.
by the way, Irish Coffee is not Weight Watchers friendly,,,oh well
Spring break is almost over.
Have a good week, I will try to do the same.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Linking up with Doodle Bugs...Dr. Seuss Week

Wow! I have been out of the loop for a while, it is time to rejoin the Teacher Blogging World and what better way then to link up with

FIRST, This week we celebrated Read Across America and Dr. Seuss. Our school always has a decorating door contest, this year it was expanded to include bulletin boards/walls. There were some GREAT displays, I'm glad I wasn't on the committee to judge. Here are some of my favorites that I have pictures of.
The teacher gave the students this assignment: write about how you would like to make the world a better place. There are some great ideas.

SECOND,  our door.....

THIRD, this one has a little of everything! It was the winner.

FOURTH, I just celebrated my 4th week on Weight Watchers and have lost 6 whole pounds. It's going to take a while that's for sure!
Here's a way to have healthy, fast and easy smoothies.

For any WWs out there, one half serving is 2 points. The one half serving is about 8 oz. made with water. It is pretty good, of course, it would be better with some more sweet!
FIFTH! It is SPRING BREAK for us next week!!!! WOOOOO!
Have a great week, I plan to!