Linking with Doodle Bugs Teaching!
This week I went to a basketball fundraiser disguised as a Luau! It was great fun and I can't resist an auction! So I bought a couple of unnecessary things and also this beautiful drawing by Ross Coleman. His lovely wife works at our school.
A student with limited mobility enjoys Christmas lights. This was set up and attached to a switch, it has a timer so the lights will stay on for whatever time is set.
It is very motivating for him.
I am playing more with the promethean board, it is becoming a bit of an obsession! It began with the Connecting Math Concepts lessons and is growing steadily! The lessons seem to flow better with the basics already on a flipchart and of course...the student interest has increased!
My latest creation is a sight word game, students choose a word to read, move it to the bottle on the side , I placed a bottle there because the shape fit in the available space.sometimes there is a surprise behind the card, in this case a turkey! We played this game on the pocket chart with hidden monsters and they loved it!!the idea comes from conversations in literacy's blog!
I attended a training today for this program, it is a math program for learners with intellectual delays. It comes with ten frames and tiles plus some other neat stuff. It emphasizes understanding of number concepts, place value and has a whole unit on money. I loved parts of it, annnnnd didn't understand some of it! Especially their version of solving subtraction problems. It has lots of great components such as objectives listed, assessment forms, suggested accomadations. I'm planning on using it to help my students understand number concepts...1 to 1 correspondence and numeral recognition.
I am so frustrated trying to do this with iPhone and kindle fire! Ahhh! I am tech challenged already!Missing my laptop! Ok....ok....think positive....Thank goodness I HAVE an iPhone and tablet. Thank you power of the universe.
Ok, I'm done. Enjoy your short school week,