
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Five for Friday....Still on Vacation!

Norman, OK
It is an excellent place and set up to be kid friendly.

We had a wonderful dinner and did some gambling at the Riverwind Casino. I won a whole TEN DOLLARS. yep, I'm a big gambler!
We visited the Chisholm Trail Museum and the Seay Mansion.
My favorite part is the pioneer village! Here's the school house.
The "Board of Education".


Compare the living quarters in Seay mansion and where the ordinary people lived.

The Dining Area......

Sleeping Area......

The Mansion was built when Oklahoma was a territory. The territorial governor, A.J. Seay hoped that Kingfisher would be the territory capital, but it didn't happen. The mansion was used for other things such as a boarding house before being recognized as a historical building.
There is an interesting story (locally told) about the pink bedroom pictured above. It was painted different colors in the past, but always looked pink. They finally painted it pink. It is believed to have been the bedroom of the Governor's sister and...
you guessed it, pink was her color!
There are more pictures and history about the mansion here.

I found these books at a Half Price Book Store!
I've been wanting these for quite a while!
and that's the summary of my week, the weather in Oklahoma has been pushing 100's but not going over,
so I am thankful.
I have a week more in my home state and am already feeling a little sad about leaving,

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