
Saturday, May 21, 2016

Linking with Doodle Bugs! Five for Friday and...Last day of School!!!!!

First, most importantly this is our last day of school!


We did the field day yesterday and it was a lovely sunny day and today was a cool rainy one, so YEA! For once the timing was perfect.
The 5th graders were promoted and I am a little sad because I knew most of them in kindergarten. Now they are moving up to that less forgiving environment called
(said with a deep ominous voice)

This picture says it all....
I love the Weight Watchers gotta have chocolate sometimes!
I also decided that WW is too pricey for this teacher on a summer budget so I am going it alone!
Not completely alone, I have my handy dandy Fitbit App.

The BP Teacher of Excellence presentation was

There are five of us who were chosen from our school district.
We were all honored and presented a beautiful plaque and a gift card.
Each of our schools also received 500 dollars!

There was great food, music and an open bar in a beautiful setting.

They took a million pictures (which felt a little awkward).

They choose the BP teacher of the year and he is awesome!
He also is much more comfortable standing in front of people and talking.
I am so happy for him, his family and his school.
(my daughter went to his school so that was even better!)

BP did this clever lesson about drilling I wanted to share.
Teachers will like this I think.
They shared the costs and procedures of getting to the drilling part of the process by using cupcakes.

My grandchildren loved it!
and struck oil.

After my presentation was over, I thoroughly enjoyed the remaining presentations!
and partook of the generous open bar.

Thank you BP!

The last couple of weeks I have been doing more assessing, inputting grades and progress reports for IEPs then anything else! So although we have been teaching.....I don't have any pictures.
so I'll just share some from our walks on the weekends! hubby got the boat running!!
we have a working boat.....ahhhhhhh!
It's going to be amazing having a boat!

I will complete the "5" by sharing more sidewalk art from the talented artists at our school.

We have one more WORK DAY to get our classrooms tucked away and complete our checklists.
If you are a special ed. teacher you get two checklists (cuz we are special).
If you don't finish it all in one day...oh well....finish on your own time!
or maybe don't be so picky and throw everything in desk drawers or boxes and face it in August,
but I don't like to do that!

Have a wonderful week!


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