The last two weeks have been busy, I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching at last!
We are officially home owners! It's been 8 years since our last move and wow, do we have a lot of STUFF!
We have moved many times and I highly recommend renting a U-Haul truck for 24 hours, it is well worth it.
The joy of moving large appliances up and down stairways!
Helping pets adapt to a new home
The mega shindig that every employee of our school district attends was Friday. We had Barbara Morgan as one of our speakers. She is amazing and a great speaker. Barbara is a teacher and an astronaut. Her story is inspiring.

Fall is beginning to show......
the fireweed is turning to "smoke"
I love the reds and purples together
I haven't gotten very far with finishing my classroom, it is functional and most of my students are taking their lessons in regular classrooms, but next week will be another shift in the entire school schedule, keeps us on our toes!