I have been out of touch for about a month.
Here's my story:
I was in a classroom assisting some of our students. I got one of those tickles in my throat and started coughing. I decided to leave the room and get it coughed out. I got a drink of water, and the cough just exploded, my chest hurt and burned. I went into a student bathroom and into the handicap stall, eyes were watering, face red, I didn't want to scare any kids.
The tickle went away, I was wiping my eyes when my head exploded with pain. It was so sudden and hurt so bad, I almost dropped to my knees. I grabbed my head and waited for it to lesson, but it didn't, I was seeing black spots...I thought ....I better go to the nurse, then I thought...oh no, the teacher is probably wondering where I went....then...nope I better try to make it to the nurse's office. I took a breath and headed out of the bathroom (making sure I didn't hear any kids, again, I didn't want to scare anyone).
It felt like such a long distance...down the hall, up the ramp, across the lobby (it's not).The nurse took one look and laid me down, took my blood pressure (205/something), called my husband and directed him to take me directly to the ER.
After a cat scan, an ambulance ride and a MRI, it was decided that I had ruptured a blood vessel in my brain because of high blood pressure.
I was lucky. My doctor won't let me return to work until another MRI is done and it is determined that my brain is healed. I was initially annoyed....I was worried about progress reports, IEPs....then he said...."You almost died."
The blood pressure medicine seems to be doing its job. Here's the symptoms list, don't ignore any of them.
So thank you to Doodle Bugs Teaching for letting me have a place to share my story and my five for Friday!

The doc also noticed my cholesterol was too high....so I am looking at ideas for low carbs. These look pretty yummy!
Being in the hospital is a bummer, but when you have amazing friends and family it can be not so awful!
My wish "good health".
The melting pumpkin guy is pretty cool and is a great entertainment when you are stuck in a hospital bed.
Included an audio book! My vision still has spots so I was especially excited about that.
Look at that pretty afghan!
Number Three
One side effect is spots in my vision.
This was making it impossible to use the computer, the spots get worse in just a short time of trying to look at the screen, this is true with a book also. It is followed with a headache. This is thankfully getting better!
I experimented with changing the background color by inverting the colors on my iphone. This causes the ebook app to have a black background with white font. Much easier on the eyes. My Kindle Fire has a text to speech option making anything I want be read aloud to me. Pretty cool. My biggest problem is that I am a mega visual learner and my mind tends to wonder when I'm listening instead of reading.
It reminded me of when tinted glasses and overlays were used to help with some reading difficulties. I found some binder dividers that fit my needs. After trying out the available colors, I found that blue and lavender were the best. I can cover my laptop screen or a book with one and be able to read for a while! yea!
It is SOONER Season!
Nice thing about being home so much, I'm seeing all the OU games!
Love this holiday and am sad that I am not at school with the kids who love it too.
I did get to help with a trick or treat hallway at a local high school.