I am a bit late for the Doodle Bugs linking party...but arriving none the less!
The BIG event of the week was we got a new car! It is still amazing to me...we used to keep a car until the wheels fell off and this time we traded it in after three years.
The 2014 Ford Escape!
The objective: Use yes and no switches to indicate continuing an activity.
The activity: kick the pyramid of cups.
Before requesting we knew that kicking the cups is a favorite activity. Before I asked him to answer yes or no, I modeled it: "___, want to kick the cups?" and pushed the "yes" switch. Then we kicked the cups.
Next time I asked and expected him to do the answer on his own. He kicked his legs for a bit, but I repeated the question until he hit the yes switch.
Then we proceeded. I push his chair close enough for him to reach the cups with a little kicking effort. After repeating it a couple of times, he would pull his leg back to get ready for the kick as we approached the stack.
Success! We repeated three times.
Our weather has been ridiculous! All the snow and ice is melting, temperatures have gotten as high as 50 F ! I'm sure the real winter is hiding around the corner, ready to pounce on us. We are trying to enjoy it while it is here, it makes our parking lots and driveways a mess.
Have a wonderful week,